High School Senior Photos
This is the time to express yourself however you’d like. Being in front of the camera doesn’t always come easy for everyone. But if you look at this experience as a way to show off exactly who YOU are, showing the world your idea of yourself, you can make it your own and even have a little fun with it. Sure, we’ll have to do the “Mom” shots and usually some needed standard stuff for the school yearbook, but that won’t be the whole shoot. I know you won’t believe me when I tell you that in 20 years you will not be the person you are today. These photos will be a fun reminder of who you were at this point in your life! Bring props that define what you enjoy right now: bring the dog, the instruments, the art, the fire arms (empty, please), the bicycle, sports stuff . . . whatever . . . even the horse or horse power. Get creative, I’m up for any ideas. Searching Pinterest, the web, or looking at your friends’ photos my help you develop an idea of what you’d like to see. Once you have an idea, we can discuss things and make a full plan on where, when, and what content you’d like for your photos.